Deploy a Ruby on Rails Application on Heroku

2 min readFeb 19, 2021
How to Deploy Rails App to Heroku in 5 Minutes

Heroku is a platform that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely on the cloud with multi-language support for Ruby, Go, Scala, PHP, etc.

Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework written in Ruby. This guide covers how to deploy Rails 6 apps to Heroku.

Prerequisites for Deployment of Rails API To Heroku

  • Basic familiarity with Ruby/Rails and Git.
  • A locally installed version of Ruby 2.2.0+, Rubygems, Bundler, and Rails 5+.
  • Sign up on Heroku.

Local Setup

sudo snap install --classic heroku

Note: Your application should be uploaded to GitHub.

Steps to Deploy the Application to Heroku

heroku create "app-name"

This will create a Rails application on Heroku like

If you don’t provide an app-name then Heroku will automatically generate a subdomain.

git config --list --local | grep heroku git push heroku branch_name

Note: If you want to deploy a specific branch then you need to specify the branch name:parent_branch.


If you created a branch ‘feature/bulk_upload’ from a master then you need to specify the branch_name as below for deployment:

git push heroku feature/bulk_upload:master

Logs Check

Sometimes there arises a need to view the logs of the application then we can view the logs on Heroku using the below command:

heroku logs --tail

Run Rails Commands

If we want to migrate our database on Heroku, then use the below command:

heroku run rails db:migrate

Let’s ensure that your one dyno is up by the following command:

heroku ps:scale web=1

If we want use Heroku run rails console in our local machine, use the following:

heroku run rails c

Visit the Rails Application

This will open the application on the domain created in the browser.

heroku open

Congratulations! You have deployed your first Ruby on Rails application on Heroku.

Originally published at




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